Category Archives: morons

Reprehensible pigs

 The OFFICIAL WEBSITE for the Sacramento County Republican Party has officially called for the Democratic Presidential candidate to be tortured.

Yes, you read that right.

These troglodytes are backed into a corner and are facing not only the loss of the Presidency (Please PLEASE!), but also the loss of both Senate and House influence in what could be one of the biggest trouncings in US history.

As they descend into total insanity, they’re getting more dangerous, as the recent Palin-McClane mobs have demonstrated.

I went to the website, and left those pigs my own response.

Here it is:

the only difference between Osama and Obama is “BS”?


You cretinous goons are going to get voted down into the tar pit of history along with your predecessors the Nazis, the KKK, and every other malignant agency of hate and ignorance in history. Enjoy the downward trajectory, you unspeakable monsters. 

Yeah, I know. The Nazis weren’t voted down, nor was the KKK, but they were both right wing entities, so the point is valid.

Why don’t you leave them your own message and let them know how you feel?

It feels good, believe me.

Here’s the linkage:

an informative trip into HISSStory

Bwaaa haaa haaa! I found the 411 on the famous “McCain Grimace” pic that’s everywhere on the interwebs.

Turns out that Grampy McCrappants was was pulling that famous mug at . . .


Governor George Walker Bush!!!


Haaa haa hooo wey! who woulda known?

Here’s the New York Times ARTICLE, in toto:




Published: February 16, 2000

In a barely controlled debate that revealed the depth of their mutual anger, Gov. George W. Bush and Senator John McCain lashed into each other’s negative campaign tactics tonight, with Mr. McCain lecturing Mr. Bush that he ‘’should be ashamed’’ that a surrogate had accused Mr. McCain of abandoning veterans.


Mr. Bush refused Mr. McCain’s demand that he apologize, instead insisting that Mr. McCain stop impugning his integrity. In seething, indignant accusations, each man tried to portray himself as the victim of gutter politics, with Mr. McCain saying he had been called everything but a fascist.

‘’You’re putting out stuff that is unbelievable, George, and it’s got to stop,’’ he said. ‘’And your ads have got to stop.’’

The debate, the last before Saturday’s crucial South Carolina primary, was by far the most freewheeling and intense of the Republican contest and reflected the sense of both camps that it could help determine the outcome of the vote. The arguments ranged across nearly every issue that has come up in the race, along with a few new ones.

With only Alan Keyes sitting between them, the two leading candidates argued forcefully over abortion, policy toward Russia, taxes, Social Security, and the don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy on gays in the military. On a day in which Mr. Bush issued a reformulated proposal to change the campaign finance proposal, the two disagreed sharply on which kinds of donations should be banned.









Sen. McCain(l) and Gov. Bush spar during their debate tonight

The field for the first time was reduced to just three candidates, allowing a series of far more direct confrontations than any previous debates.

But the most personal exchanges came early in the 90-minute debate at a catering hall here, when the moderator, Larry King, asked about the conduct of the campaign. Governor Bush immediately accused Senator McCain of being first to break a promise not to run negative advertising.

‘’We shook hands, and unfortunately he ran an ad that equated me to Bill Clinton,’’ Mr. Bush said, sounding exasperated. ‘’You can disagree on issues. We’ll debate issues. But whatever you do, don’t equate my integrity and trustworthiness to Bill Clinton.’’

Mr. McCain, steely but furious, immediately responded by citing an event early this month in Sumter, S.C., in which J. Thomas Burch Jr., chairman of the National Vietnam and Gulf War Veterans Committee, complained that Mr. McCain had opposed measures dealing with Agent Orange and gulf war syndrome.

‘’I don’t know if you can understand this, George, but that really hurts,’’ Mr. McCain said. ‘’You should be ashamed. You should be ashamed.’’

Mr. Keyes, who had been expected to spend the evening criticizing Mr. McCain, instead worked to appear above the fray and condemned both of his opponents, saying there were more important issues to discuss than campaign tactics. Mr. King also tried to change the subject, but Mr. McCain pressed on, demanding to tell the story of the negative telephone calls being made to South Carolina voters by the Bush campaign. Mr. Bush then pulled out a McCain campaign flier criticizing his tax cut plan, accusing Mr. McCain of continuing his attacks despite a new vow to stop.

‘’That is not by my campaign,’’ Mr. McCain said.

‘’Well, it says paid for by John McCain,’’ Mr. Bush said.

‘’That is not by my campaign,’’ Mr. McCain said.

‘’McCain 2000,’’ Mr. Bush said. ‘’John, well then somebody’s putting stuff out.’’

Mr. McCain explained after the debate that the flier was printed a few weeks ago, before his no-negative-ad pledge, and was apparently distributed by a campaign worker without his knowledge.

A significant portion of the evening involved foreign policy questions, a departure from previous debates. The candidates were asked what aspects of the nation’s foreign policy they would change. Both Mr. Bush and Mr. Keyes criticized the American policy toward China.

Mr. McCain urged a particularly aggressive approach toward what he called rogue states.

‘’I’d institute a policy that I call rogue state rollback,’’ he said. ‘’I would arm, train, equip, both from without and from within, forces that would eventually overthrow the governments and install free and democratically elected governments.’’

Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain also tangled over when it was appropriate for the United States to intervene in foreign conflicts. Mr. Bush said he would authorize the use of armed forces when it is the ‘’nation’s strategic interests.’’

Mr. McCain told Mr. Bush his analysis ‘’wasn’t that simple,’’ saying there were times when a violation of moral principles justified the commitment of troops.

‘’We can never say that a nation driven by Judeo-Christian principles will only intervene where our interests are threatened, because we also have values,’’ he said.

All three tried to make the most forceful case for their candidacy. Mr. Bush stressed his executive experience as governor of Texas, saying of his two opponents, ‘’These are good men. Don’t get me wrong. But I’ve been there.’’ Mr, McCain said he was the one to reconstitute the old Reagan coalition. Mr. Keyes scoffed at both men as not forceful enough, saying ‘’I question their ability to articulate on the moral issues of our time.’’

Questioned by Mr. King, Mr. Bush said he would not describe Mr. McCain as a liberal and even characterized his opponent as conservative and as ‘’a fine man.’’ He said he was simply more conservative than Mr. McCain on certain issues.

Mr. Bush and Mr. McCain also sparred on their competing tax cut plans. Mr. Bush has proposed a $483 billion, five-year tax cut. Mr. McCain has called for nearly $240 billion in tax cuts over the same period, with much of the federal surplus going to shore up Social Security.

Mr. McCain, raising questions about Mr. Bush’s maturity, defended his emphasis on Social Security, saying ‘’It’s not the Washington mentality. It’s the grown-up mentality. It’s the grown-up mentality that recognizes that we have obligations.’’

Mr. Bush responded bitterly that it was a Republican philosophy that favored giving tax money back to the people.

‘’I don’t trust Congress,’’ he said. ‘’I trust people. And I want to give people their money back. This is a realistic plan that I’m going to get done. And John, you know, grown-up or non grown-up — I know that’s kind of a line you’re trying to come across with, but it’s weak — either you trust the people or you trust government. And our Republican Party ought to stand for trusting the people to spend their own money.’’

The two also clashed on the overhaul of the campaign finance law, on a day when Mr. Bush put forward his own plan. Without explicitly mentioning Mr. McCain’s effort to ban unlimited, unregulated donations to political parties, Mr. Bush said the logical extension of such plans would allow the press to decide political victors.

Mr. King asked, ‘’If I gave you a million dollars, don’t you have to take my phone call?’’

Mr. Bush replied, ‘’Not necessarily.’’

Mr. McCain jumped in, sardonically. ‘’Sure,’’ he said. ‘’Ask any ex-senator, Larry, ask any ex-senator, they’ll tell you.’’

Mr. Bush and Mr, McCain also bickered over abortion, with Mr. McCain demanding to know why Mr. Bush did not want to include in the Republican platform’s call for a constitutional ban on aboriton an exception in the case of rape, incest or the life of the mother.

Mr. Bush said the platform ‘’doesn’t talk about what specifically should be in the constitutional amendment.’’

Mr. McCain shot back, ‘’It doesn’t have the exemptions in it and you know that very well.’’

the troglodytes are winning

Proposition 8, the pig xtian/mormon initiative to rape Californians of equal marriage rights, is winning. It’s winning because out of state Mormons are funneling HUGE sums of money, MILLIONS of dollars into the shit-for brains, coal-for-hearts repiglican xtian pig-nazi’s coffers.

THEY         ARE        WINNING


Another factor is the dumbass disconnected apathetic gayboy factor. I witnessed it myself recently at the Faultline at sunday beerbust. There were donations volunteers there working the line. I heard one stupid fuck in his $400.00 designer jeans and ugly twink streaked hair say “Oh i don’t have time for that political stuff. It bores me.”

It bores him.

I don’t know what to write.

Yes I do, but I don’t feel like writing fucking curses right now.

I’ll just give you the link to donate and tell you to cough up the dough. I know you don’t have it- neither do I. But we have to ..or we’ll be dropping the ball for all the Robs and Fuads and the Frank and Jame’es and the Marks and Eiain’s and Ellens and Portias and Heidi’s and Georgias and everyone else.

I’m going to use the Moby Method and forego the purchase of a lovely frame I was going to buy and donate that dough instead to “NO on Prop 8”


Do the same, please.




You’ve got to love …LOVE the pathetic irony here. Can the repigs invent any more ways to fail miserably? I love the bavarian cutout characters. I bet that the secret service had a blast with those.

This Gay Marriage business


“The people already voted on this issue. They voted to restrict the right to enter into a marriage contract to anyone but heterosexuals.! These activist judges have NO BUSINESS sticking their noses in and subverting the will of the people”


“There are no rights whatsoever that are being denied to Homosexuals at all. Any gay man can marry any woman he wants. He’s not being restricted from marrying anyone as long as that someone is a woman.”


“If these people are allowed to marry and change the foundations of marriage as it has been known for thousands of years, everyones marriage is in danger.”

 Ok boys and girls, lets take each delusion one at a time.

The people did indeed vote on this issue in 2000. Proposition 22, restricting marriage to between one man and one women passed by 61.4% of the vote (wikipedia

Only one little problem with that proposition.


You can indeed pass any law you can get a majority to vote on in a ballot initiative. That law, however, must pass the State Supreme Court’s review. The court’s role is to determine if a law can pass constitutional muster.  Say you want to ban redheads from walking the street after 10pm. If you can Pay for enough signatures to get it on the next ballot, and if it wins (and it wouldnt surprise me if given enough spin, it might), then it can still go before the Supreme Court to determine if the damn thing doesn’t violate the state constitiution. If it is found to do so by these duly elected judges, then the law is nullified. This protects us from mob rule, a.k.a. the tyranny of the majority. Rights are for everyone. Not merely for some. Or NOT for some because someone’s silly religion says “boo” on them. These are the checks and balances that the Fascist republicans hate.  I quote the majority ruling: “equal respect and dignity” of marriage is a “basic civil right” that cannot be withheld from same-sex couples, that sexual orientation is a protected class like race and gender, and that any classification or discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is subject to strict scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause of the California State Constitution.

Try explaining the role of judicial oversight to wingnuts. It’s like trying to explain Mozart to a tree.

Argument #2 is a favorite of  your cultural crusader, that deliverer of your daily dose of radio talk show delusion, Michael Medved. An asshole of the worst sort. It posits that gay men (Medved does not ever mention women when referring to homosexuality) are free to marry anyone as long as it’s a woman. This is the most mean hearted,  obtuse, extremely specious argument of all. So I should forsake the man I truly love, marry a woman, make her and me miserable in a loveless marriage for…what? Convention? Tradition? Maybe such delusion works for  Mister Medved, but judging from hisr pinched, wretched face and dessperate demeanor, I’m doubting it. If ever I heard a more obviously miserable closet case, then I dont know who. He makes Larry Craig seem normal. The tyrannical “moral majority” have no right or authority to take MY rights away from Me because my life offends their dumbass religious sensibilities.

Argument # 3 is the most insane of all. Not one of these morons can ever tell you WHY gay marriage will destroy and dissolve society and marriage. If you’re going to try to take away MY RIGHTS…MY CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHTS, GODDAMNIT, THEN I WANT A BETTER REASON THAN “JUST BECAUSE”

Fools! Backward, regressed assholes. 

Harvey gets a BIG promotion

Overheard Friday night at the Eagle:

fluff#1: So yeah he’s been totally unavailable because he’s working on a movie called “Milk”

fluff#2: what’s that about?

fluff#1 I dunno. It’s about some gay California governor or something who was assasinated or something. Whatever.